
5 Products I’m Using To Turn Back The Clock This Year

Getting older is no walk in the park, and NOBODY enjoys it. Over the years I've done pretty well when it comes to maintaining my health. I exercise regularly, spring for organic groceries, and even splurge once or twice a year on a trip to the spa.

I'm quickly approaching 50, and late last year, things just didn't seem to add up. I felt slow and lethargic getting out of bed in the morning. The crow’s feet on my face were getting worse. I was even having trouble sleeping at night.

After a short stint of self pity, I snapped out of it and decided to attack the issue head on.

Sure, certain parts of aging are inevitable and there's no magic potion that can transport us back to our 20s. But I figured there must be ways to fight some of the most frustrating daily symptoms of middle age.

That sparked a months-long journey of scouring the internet, talking to specialists, and trying out all of the best products I could get my grubby hands on.

Everything from anti-aging skin care to all natural sleep solutions, I did it all.

Quick disclaimer: if you're thinking about trying this yourself, I don't recommend it. Most products out there are full of empty promises.

So let me save you the time and serve up 5 products that actually work.

#1. Anti-Aging Skincare Without The Harsh Ingredients

First things first, let’s talk about skin care. Your face is the first thing you see when you look in the mirror, and often the first part of us we notice change as we age. I have sensitive skin, and have spent years searching for an anti aging skin care line that doesn’t cause redness, irritation, or full on breakouts. Its been a process to say the least.

Fortunately, late last year I discovered annmarie Organics. Their products are completely natural, with absolutely ZERO phthalates, parabens, or other questionable additives. I’m using the Anti-Aging Bundle daily, and after just a few weeks I could already feel the difference. The fine lines I had spent every morning staring at have started to fade, and i’ve already had multiple friends comment on my ‘youthful’ looking complexion.

#2. Long Term Relief from Tooth & Gum Decay

Talking about teeth and gum health is not exactly an exciting topic, but hear me out. As soon as I hit my 40s, the situation inside my mouth started to change. My gums were often swollen or red, and my teeth were constantly sensitive. I found myself in the dentist chair every few months, which had a major impact on my savings.

After venting to my dentist about it during a recent visit, he offered me a lifeline. It turns out that using mouthwash and other harsh mainstream oral care products can make your mouth 'too clean' by killing much of the good bacteria. This upsets the delicate balance in your mouth and can lead to all kinds of problems, namely perpetually bad breath, sore bleeding gums and eventually even gum disease and DENTURES!

He recommended PrimeDenta, a probiotic lozenge you dissolve in your mouth after brushing. Its so easy to use, and after a month or so i’ve noticed a major difference. My gums feel like they did in my 20s, back when I didn’t have to think about them at all!

#3. Banish Dry Eyes For Good With A... Vitamin?

Does anyone else suffer from constant dry eyes? It has started to affect every area of my life. Every morning I wake up with dry, irritated eyes and immediately reach for the eye drops. It makes simple tasks like working on the computer and driving at night so difficult, and not to mention dangerous!

Apparently, tear production starts to diminish as you get older. In fact, dry eye symptoms are most common in women over 50. Lucky us! While using solutions like eye drops may offer some temporary relief, they do nothing to address the underlying cause. Think of them as a ‘Band-Aid’ for your poor little eye balls.

Let me introduce you to Eyetamins, a vitamin specifically designed for dry eyes. I had no idea this existed until a friend of mine mentioned it to me a few months ago. I take one every morning like any other vitamin and it goes to work. To be honest, I actually can’t believe how well it works. My eyes feel refreshed and hydrated each morning, and daily tasks have become SO much easier.

#4. Get Rid Of Hormonal Acne In 3 Simple Steps

I would have thought that if there was one benefit of getting older, it would be no more acne. Oh boy was I ever wrong, and until recently, breakouts had been a constant in my life. My doctor said that its actually quite common, and often the result of hormonal changes as we age.

I’ve tried every drug store solution, and even a prescription cream that cost $500! Unfortunately, more often than not they all left my skin irritated and dry, and the breakouts kept on coming.

I recently discovered an all natural 3 step system from a company called BalmLabs. It doesn't contain any of the chemicals that can be hard on your skin and health like sulfates, parabens, PEGs, artificial dyes or fragrances. I use it every day (in combination with annmarie of course) and its finally provided my breakouts with the “knockout blow” i’ve been searching for.

#5. Get Age-Defying Sleep With This Natural Solution

We can’t discuss how to combat aging, without talking about sleep. Getting quality sleep each night is arguably the most important thing you can focus on, but often something that get’s ignored. A lack of sleep can directly lead to most (if not all) of the problems i’ve already mentioned. I found that out the hard way.

There’s plenty of sleep remedies on the market, many of which require a prescription and come with a whole host of nasty side effects. Thankfully Natural Stacks 'MagTech' Magnesium complex rides safely to the rescue. I was introduced to the magical stuff when hormonal issues were causing a lot of sleepless nights. These folks claim to have created the most bioavailable magnesium supplement on earth. Magtech uses three kinds of Magnesium to send you off to dreamland.

Yes, You Can Turn Back Time As Well

The 5 products above are the cream of the crop, and I use every one of them almost daily. In almost all cases, they’re also small businesses run by people who really care about your customers, and all of them have excellent customer service (believe me… I called them.) So it’s really zero risk to try them and support a more ethical kind of capitalism.

Thanks for reading!